Broken Cars Buyer

02045 680548

Broken Cars Buyer

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Sell my broken car West Sussex

Are you tired of looking at that old, broken car or van in your driveway? Do you want to sell your old, unwanted car or van in West Sussex or nearby areas for top dollar?

Then look no further! Broken Cars Buyer is here to help. We are a leading scrap car dealer in the UK, buying all sorts of scrap cars and vans for top dollar. And we offer free, same-day removal in the local area.

If you’re looking for an excellent customer support team to handle any queries and a company that has been in operation for more than 10 years and is licensed, then Broken Cars Buyer is the company for you. Our company is focused on recycling broken and scrap cars and vans within the local market as well as the international market.

We have several options that can be used to recycle your old car or van. We can also remove it for free and make sure that it doesn’t end up in an illegal dumping site. We can find new uses for all parts of the vehicle, including:

-The engine and other mechanical parts can be recycled and sold to third parties.

-We can remove any hazardous materials from your vehicle. These include oil, petrol, batteries and tyres.

-The body of the car or van can be cut up into small pieces so that it can be used for scrap metal recycling.

If you want to sell your old, unwanted car or van in Surrey, get in touch with us today!

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To get started, fill out the contact form with all the necessary information about your broken car, and customer support will get back to you as soon as possible.

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